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Scars resulting from injuries, treatments, or due to scarring alopecia are an aesthetic problem that can affect anyone. Skin scars do not contain elements that are typical for healthy skin and are devoid of hair follicles. The hair transplantation procedure in places of scars, is an effective method of hiding them within the scalp and other hairy parts of the body. Hair transplantation in places of scars is a method, that gives the patient the best possible appearance, but after the acquired injury, the skin must first be fully healed.

What is the hair restoration treatment?

Hair restoration treatment consists mainly in transplanting hair follicles from the hairy part of the body (e.g. the scalp), to the place that is affected by the problem of baldness. This procedure is not the easiest, because the doctor has to choose the best hair follicles. As a result, you can notice your hair growing back after just three months.

The FUE method

The most common method of obtaining hair follicle is the FUE method, which allows the acquisition of about 2 – 3.5 thousand grafts, and after the procedure only small scars remain, which after healing become practically invisible.

FUE hair transplant

The FUE hair transplant method is one of the most modern treatments offered in the world. It enables hair transplantation from the donor area with the use of small point needles to the areas affected by baldness.

The transplant procedure is divided into two basic stages:

  • Preparation of micro-grafts – involves the doctor taking single grafts or, in more difficult cases, a strip of hairy skin. Then, individual hair follicles are prepared along with the millimeter-long tissue that surrounds them.
  • Hair follicle implantation – concern both the quality assessment of the collected elements and their preparation for placement in the recipient area. This process takes place by means of delicate punctures, made at a certain angle, in order to give the hair the right direction of growth. The doctor uses accessories to transplant the previously collected hair follicle into the punctured places.

During the procedure, local anesthesia is used, which significantly minimizes the risk of complications.

Indications for hair transplant into a scar

Before performing each procedure, a medical consultation is necessary, during which a detailed interview is carried out regarding the patient’s health, diseases, scars and test results. It is important to ask about anything that causes anxiety during such a meeting, curiosity and stress as this is the time to discuss the entire treatment process.

Hair transplantation is an excellent solution in the case of:

  • scarring alopecia,
  • post-traumatic scars on the scalp in visible places,
  • postoperative scars,
  • post-traumatic scars on the eyebrows,
  • post-traumatic scars on the upper lip,
  • visible scars in other areas of the body that are preventing hair growth.

Hair transplantation in places of scars - eyebrows

Effects after a hair transplant

For about a week after the end of the treatment, the healing phase lasts, after which the transplanted hair falls out. This is completely normal and after about three months new hair will appear on the patient’s scalp, showing the effect of the treatment.

300 grafts hair transplant on a scar

The results of the transplant performed by an experienced physician give spectacular results. The wound healing process is very short and lasts a maximum of 2 weeks. In the place where the treatment was performed, small scabs appear at first, which will fall off after a few days (do not scratch them!). After the entire healing process is over, the doctor and the patient decide whether further stages of treatment will be necessary or the therapy may be terminated.

Safety of the procedure

Hair transplantation in places of scars, using the FUE method is a solution that gives great control over the quality of hair follicles selected for transplantation. It stands out from others available on the market, and thanks to the use of local anesthesia, the safety of the procedure increases. For each hair transplant, you should go to the best specialist, because this procedure requires great skills, knowledge and concentration of the doctor. The hair follicles must be collected, prepared and transplanted in an appropriate manner. The hair transplant procedure does not require long convalescence, is safe and gives lasting results.

Hair transplantation in places of scarsis also recommended for very active people, because they will be able to return to their activities in a short time. This treatment will also be appreciated by people who are afraid of significant interference with their body, and thanks to the transplant of material taken from the patient, rejection of the transplant or the occurrence of an allergic reaction will be avoided.

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