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Check out the 3 most common scalp diseases! The scalp is a rather unusual area of ​​skin, compared to the rest of the human body. It has many receptors, and it also produces a large amount of sebum. The quite dark and warm environment on the scalp, is a friendly place for the development of various diseases. Many conditions are mainly caused by improper scalp care. Care products should be chosen based on the type of hair. Hair is considered as an ornament and has a protective function against solar radiation. For many people, hair is a very important part of their image.

Psoriasis of the scalp

Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent disease. The cause of this disease includes a genetic background, as well as disorders of the exfoliation process. For patients with psoriasis, the process of cell transformation is reduced from 28 days, to 4 days. This means that cells mature too quickly and accumulate in the form of a thicker epidermis.

scalp psoriasis

Skin changes occur in the form of pink-red lesions, which can be smaller or larger. It also includes itching and burning. In the advanced stage of this disease, the changes may occur on the forehead, neck and ears. Psoriasis may be accompanied by hair loss, which is exacerbated by frequent scratching of the scalp. It is best to see a doctor as soon as you notice the first symptoms. This will allow you to quickly detect the disease and treat it. First, exfoliating drugs will be used for this procedure. The next stage is to stop the inflammatory process. In some cases, oral medications has to be used.

Read more: Scalp Psoriasis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options.


This condition is quite a big aesthetic problem, because the symptoms are very visible. The cause of dandruff can be the proliferation of yeast and inflammation. Illness, poor diet and stress can also cause this disease. In many cases, dandruff is the cause of hair loss, because the disease weakens the condition of the hair. Symptoms include white skin fragments, which are noticeable on hair and clothing.



A trichologist or dermatologist, deals with dandruff diagnostics. You will need to examine your scalp and, in some cases, perform additional tests. We will include a trichogram or trichoscopy, which will help us in making the diagnosis. The treatment uses oral antifungal drugs. Topical medications in the form of shampoos, creams and ointments, can also be very helpful.

Read more: Dandruff – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment.

Ringworm of the scalp

Fungi are a permanent element on human skin. Sometimes, however, they multiply, which can cause inflammation. Infections occur while being around an affected person, or the objects they use. An infection will not happen in every case, because many people will be able to use the body’s defense mechanisms. The occurrence of the symptoms of this disease may also be associated with improper skin care and the use of strong cosmetics.

Ringworm of the scalp

Symptoms include red skin, pain, itching, bumps on the follicles and peeling skin. Ringworm can lead to a violation of the hair structure, which means weakening. In most cases, it is enough to look at the skin lesions to make a diagnosis. Based on the advancement of the disease, the doctor will choose the best treatment and propose medication. Usually, creams and ointments are used, which act on a specific type of fungus.

Read more: Ringworm Of The Scalp – Symptoms, Treatment.


This disease is a mental disorder, which involves pulling out your own hair. Some patients eat their own hair as well. This can cause gastrointestinal problems. The genesis of this disease is severe stress or a variety of genetic and environmental factors.


During the treatment, it is very important to improve the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, therapy with a psychologist or psychiatrist is carried out. Antidepressants are also used to control hair pulling attacks.

Read more: Trichotillomania How To Treat It?.

The actions of a trichologist in case of scalp diseases

Modern treatments, offered at the office of the trichologist, will improve the patient’s skin condition, and allow to get rid of the problem of baldness. Based on the type of disease and its severity, the doctor will choose the procedure and determine the amount of sessions. Scalp mesotherapy is particularly recommended, which consists of subcutaneous administration of active substances. These include vitamin mixtures or platelet rich plasma, obtained from the patient’s blood. Exposure, by means of radiation, is also highly effective, which stimulates the work of hair follicles. It is also possible to perform FUE hair transplantation, which involves taking hair follicles from the patient and placing them in the problem zone. FUE transplantation is less invasive, due to the use of cannula and local anesthesia. The result is a shorter recovery time and a high safety.

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