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With natural hair thickening methods, you can get quick and lasting results in the form of a lush hairstyle. At our clinic, we use innovative methods and tools to combat hair loss. Delay and hide the first signs of aging of the scalp and hair. State-of-the-art equipment allows us to accurately diagnose and treat baldness problems. This provides visible results of hair thickening. What methods do we use and what makes them different?

How to thicken the hair?

As specialists in the field of trichology, we use modern, proven methods of hair thickening. Prominent among them are:

We use only natural techniques that promote hair regeneration. We always emphasize that hair loss is a completely normal process because it has 3 phases of growth. It is estimated that 20% of them are in a dead phase and are just stuck – not growing. 30% of hair is also the catagen phase, when it does not protrude from the scalp. With natural trichological methods for hair thickening, we can make 30% of hair grow faster. This, in turn, provides the natural effects of a thickened hairstyle.

What is scalp mesotherapy like?

We use two types of mesotherapy – needle and XL Hair. Both types involve injecting small doses of therapeutic substances directly into the areas affected by hair loss. The technique is a tremendous help in improving the quality of hair, inhibiting hair loss and stimulating the growth of new hair follicles. Injection is performed with thin needles every one and a half cm or using a special mesotherapy gun. After the treatment is completed, only small punctures remain on the patient’s scalp.

This treatment is distinguished by its high efficiency, as it bypasses the impenetrable layer of the skin and the active substances reach the hair cells in a short time. These, in turn, extend the anagen phase and regenerate the hair roots.

An important advantage of mesotherapy is that it requires no special preparation. The patient is referred for a thorough consultation. It is during this meeting that we visually inspect the scalp, assess the extent of the lesions and plan treatment.

After a positive qualification, a product with disinfecting and energizing properties is administered into the hairy scalp, which is responsible for a deep detox of the skin, cleansing the sebum outlets of the follicles and stimulating circulation. Then we make deep injections with a preparation rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, hyaluronic acid or caffeine.

We also use special XL Hair preparations, which has more than 50 selected active substances – vitamins B12, B9, B3, A, E, B8 and many others.

What is hair thickening with carboxytherapy?

Carboxytherapy uses medical carbon dioxide. Its application with a fine needle helps stimulate the production of new blood vessels and boosts metabolism. This in turn provides nourishment to the hair follicles and hair roots. As a result, hair loss is inhibited and new hair growth is stimulated. It is a minimally invasive method, 100% safe and natural.

During the procedure, we inject medical carbon dioxide under the skin, which causes blood vessels to dilate, improving microcirculation and stimulating hair follicles to grow. Subcutaneous administration of this substance increases blood flow, which in turn contributes to the release of oxygen atoms by hemoglobin from red blood cells. As a result, hair follicles are heavily oxygenated and nourished.

What is hair thickening with Dr. Cy’s product?

Dr. Cy’s product allows you to effectively thicken your hair. This is the world’s first peptide product, whose role is to promote hair regrowth and stop hair loss. The formula consists of seven unique peptides combined with hyaluronic acid. They stimulate microcirculation in the scalp and have a nourishing effect on the hair follicles.

The injection process itself with Dr. Cy is quite lengthy, so you can precisely control the treatment. Partially stabilized hyaluronic acid helps active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin. Small doses of active ingredients stand out for acting exactly where you want to achieve a thickening effect on the hair.

The effect of the treatment is to nourish the scalp, renew the hair follicles and make them grow faster. The therapy works at the gene and DNA level to stimulate circulation.

Can a scalp scrub thicken hair?

Scalp peeling is a very helpful treatment for hair thickening. It allows you to cleanse the skin of cosmetic residues, and also removes dead skin. During the therapy, we perform a short massage to improve blood circulation and oxygenate the hair follicles.

By scrubbing the skin, it is nourished and the hair is stimulated to grow.

What does a BHT hair transplant consist of?

BHT hair transplantation is a modern development of hair transplantation. It is a type of FUE technique, but allows hair to be taken from areas of the body other than the head. The most common place for hair recruitment is the beard, eyebrows, armpits and breasts. This technique has one main advantage – there are no limitations! We can transplant hair from any hair-rich region of the body during a single procedure. In addition, it is a minimally invasive treatment method.

The transplant begins with the collection of material from the donor area using the FUE technique. We take individual hair units under anesthesia. We place the individual bellows in special cool conditions at a temperature of no more than 8 degrees Celsius to preserve their viability.

The next step is to introduce the obtained units into the recipient regions. We anesthetize the recipient area and insert the transplants in the prepared “dimples” on the scalp.

What does a FUE DHI hair transplant consist of?

FUE DHI hair transplantation is one of the most advanced hybrid techniques found in the world of trichology. It allows to transport hair follicles from the donor area to the areas affected by baldness. The DHI technique gives full control over the depth, direction, angle of the growing hair. During the procedure, we use a very small point needle with which we perform micro-punctures in the form of “punches.” As a result, the risk of hair damage is completely minimized.

This modern and innovative method represents a medical breakthrough, giving doctors the ability to harvest individual hair follicles with a small margin of tissue surrounding them. The next step is to evaluate the collected material and prepare it for application in the recipient area.

It’s an effective treatment recommended for thickening bends, the top of the head, beard, eyebrows and pubic hair.

What does a FUE hair transplant consist of?

FUE is an effective hair transplantation technique in which follicles are taken from the back of the head and the sides of the head, and then transplanted into areas of reduced hair density. Treatment is under local anesthesia and requires several hours. During the treatment, we design the hairline to ensure a natural result. We take individual follicles from the hairy area to then select the best ones during the selection process and implant them into the skin.

It is a minimally invasive method that is classified as one-day surgery. This means that the patient can go home the same day.

Can diet help thicken hair?

Choosing the right diet can support hair thickening. A balanced form of nutrition and adherence to a healthy lifestyle is very helpful in achieving long-lasting results of the therapy. Their result is beautiful, lush hair. Smoking or drinking alcohol, on the other hand, makes the hair lack a healthy appearance. Also, stress negatively affects excessive hair loss and loss of shine.

This is why a proper dietary regimen, a healthy lifestyle and supplementation are essential to supplement the diet.

It is also worth avoiding a high-carbohydrate diet, which is not only unhealthy for the hair, but also for the whole body. By maintaining proper blood glucose levels, you can favorably improve the condition of your hair and inhibit its requirement.

A sufficiently high supply of protein in the diet is also of great importance. Sources of foods rich in this component include. Meat, legumes, soybeans, lentils, etc. It is also recommended to combine animal protein and vegetable protein in the diet, and to add plenty of fish.

Linolenic acids from the omega 3 group are also helpful in the fight against hair loss. They have beneficial effects on the human body. Their sources include canola oil, flaxseed oil, walnuts, pumpkin seeds or wheat.

People who want to thicken their hair should also remember to provide the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins B, E and D help prevent hair loss. Vitamin D is obtained through sunlight, consumption of liver or dairy products.

Dietary supplements and herbal infusions rich in biotin are also recommended. They are essential in the process of hair growth. A healthy and thick hairstyle is also achieved with a low glycemic index diet.

However, it is worth remembering that if you notice problems with excessive hair loss in yourself, you should contact a trichologist. The doctor will determine the cause of the trouble and select the appropriate hair thickening method. To this end, he may order some necessary tests to rule out contraindications to treatment. This is the only way to ensure lasting results and safe treatment. Attempts to seek low-cost treatments without prior consultation can result in unpleasant and life- and health-threatening consequences.

At OT.CO Clinic, we put the patient’s safety first, so we always precisely examine the patient, determine the cause of hair loss and choose the best, most effective therapy to achieve the desired results!


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